July 2018 – Commercial leases under the microscope

Commercial leases are big business in Scotland. But while there are acres of excruciating legislation covering residential and agricultural leases there’s precious little covering commercial ones. That can be an advantage. The absence of detailed legislative provision...

February 2018 – LBTT’s 3rd Birthday – Part 2

This is a follow-up to last month’s BPU on Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (“LBTT”) at the end of which it was said: “As far as [many aspects] are concerned LBTT has largely followed the approach taken in the UK “stamp duty land tax” legislation [i.e. the...

February 2018 – LBTT’s 3rd Birthday

Birthday announcement by Revenue Scotland The Revenue Scotland website recently announced (emphases added): “The  Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Act 2013 sets out the legislative requirement for a tax return to be submitted for leases in Scotland in...