May 10, 2022 | Bullet Point Update
The case of Rafique v Morgan, decided in March this year by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland (“the Upper Tribunal”), reinforces the fact that care is needed when a landlord wants to get back a residential property which has been let privately. In Rafique v...
Nov 14, 2021 | Bullet Point Update
A case decided in September by the “First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber” (“the Tribunal”) shows that care is need when a landlord wants to get back a residential property which has been let privately. (Chamber Ref: FTS/HPC/PR/21/0301)...
Aug 9, 2021 | Bullet Point Update
Background New residential tenancies are now called “private residential tenancies” or “PRTs” under the Private Housing (Tenancies)(Scotland) Act 2016 (“the Act”). If a landlord wants to terminate a PRT there is some scope for mutually agreed termination where the...