Protecting your Digital Assets

In today’s world, digital assets are becoming more and more valuable to us, making it even more important to think about what will happen to our assets on death. What are Digital Assets? Digital Assets are anything that is stored digitally and usually have sentimental...

April 2020 – Making a Will in Lockdown

Traditional will-making The traditional notion of making a will usually involves: a meeting at a solicitor’s office to discuss the terms of the will and give instructions; the solicitor  then sending out a draft of the will for review; and then another meeting at the...

Estate Planning and Burns

Burns night has just passed and I am sure lots of haggis, neeps and tatties have been devoured and many a poem recited and songs enjoyed. Robert Burns was born on the 25th January 1759 and died on 21 July 1796. He is familiarly known as Rabbie Burns, the National Bard...

Are you Divorced and Now in a New Relationship ?

Recent research has been carried out by Direct Life Line Insurance which revealed that 60% of divorced adults in the UK, who are now in a new relationship, have failed to update any of their personal finances since their previous marriage. This includes the...

Cheers to Norwich City Football Club

I don’t know how many times and how many ways to say it, but the importance of having a Will cannot be overstated. To put it in a simple context, please read this true and heartwarming little anecdote. A gentleman called Barrie Greaves, aged 83, left £100 in his Will...