A new legal organisation is to be established in Glasgow, which is intended to be the city’s version of the successful Edinburgh Conveyancers Forum.

The Glasgow Conveyancers Forum will provide an opportunity for lawyers to meet and keep abreast of developments in the law and practice of conveyancing.

The steering committee of Paul Carnan of Blaney Carnan Solicitors, Ian Ferguson of Mitchells Roberton, Mike Samuel of Miller Samuel, Martin Berman of Carr Berman & Crichton, Gina Pacitti of Pacitti Jones and Gavin Crowe of A & S Ireland, identified the need for such an organisation in Glasgow.

Ian Ferguson, a spokesman for the steering committee, said: “It is generally recognised by conveyancers that we don’t get out much.”

“Also talking to friends and relations about conveyancing quickly induces a disinterested look where the eyes glaze over and the topic quickly changes to something else.”

“It is always an advantage to talk instead to similarly afflicted practitioners who can actually find conveyancing interesting.”

The forum will offer a platform for lawyers to raise concerns or queries and enter discussion with regard to all property-related matters.

Members will also discuss reports from the Law Society of Scotland’s property law committee, the Scots Law Agents Society, the Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow and from GSPC.

The launch and inaugural meeting will be held at the RFPG Hall on a Tuesday between 5.45 and 7.15pm on Tuesday 6 November 2012, with future meetings to take place three or four times per year meeting. These future meetings will qualify for CPD of 1.5 hours.

The steering committee invite all conveyancers to attend the launch meeting and see at firsthand what is planned. Membership is open to anyone involved in conveyancing, including paralegals.