Ian Ferguson – Partner

Ian graduated from Glasgow University with an LLB in 1976 and became a Partner in Mitchells Roberton in January 1985. He specialises in commercial and domestic conveyancing, banking and security work. Along with his client centred legal work he is an active member of the Council of Scottish Law Agents Society (SLAS) of which he was a former president (SLAS is a voluntary national body representing and promoting the interests of Scottish solicitors). He is also a co-founder of the Glasgow Conveyancers Forum and is the present Secretary and Treasurer.

As a Director of the Legal Defence Union (LDU) Ian has been providing LDU advice since 1997 and has acted in a large variety of different complaint cases of service or conduct or both for LDU members and also for non-members on a private basis. The Defence of complaints extends to appearing for solicitors before the Scottish Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal and includes Complaints based on breach of

1) the Law Society of Scotland Practice Rules 2011 including Standards of Conduct, Conflict of Interest and the Accounts Rules

2) UK Finance Mortgage Lenders’ Handbook for Scotland requirements,

3) Money Laundering Regulations and

4) Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

Ian is experienced in presenting professional seminars for solicitors and is a regular contributor of articles and comment in legal and other publications as well as the media. In his spare time Ian enjoys reading, walking and travelling and has recently taken up bridge and bowling.

Email: icf@mitchells-roberton.co.uk