June MacDonald – Paralegal

June joined Mitchells Roberton along with James Marr of the former firm of J E Marr & Co on 1st April 2016. She has been a paralegal since 1995 when she completed her Diploma in Civil Litigation at the University of Strathclyde, obtaining a further specialist Diploma in Debt Recovery in 1998 again from the University of Strathclyde. June has vast experience in debt recovery and now works exclusively in this area of law. She is extremely thorough and prides herself in keeping her clients fully updated in each case. June has worked with James Marr for some 34 years before coming here. In her spare time, she is an abundantly keen Lawn Bowler playing competitively for her Bowling Club. She is also a cat lover and has happily joined the feline fan club of the office.

Email: jmd@mitchells-roberton.co.uk