Adele Burns, a mother of two, is suing Rainbow Room International claiming her hair treatment caused a stroke.
Mrs Burns had her hair washed six times during a treatment at Rainbow Rooms in Glasgow. She left the hairdresser in April 2016 with a headache. The next day she lost her sight, felt dizzy and passed out while speaking with her husband on the phone. He called an ambulance and Mrs Burns was taken to St John’s Hospital in Livingston where doctors found she had suffered a stroke- a clot caused by trauma in her neck had stopped blood reaching her brain. With no history of strokes in her family, lawyers are putting the medical emergency down to the impact of the sink on her neck during her hair treatment.
Mrs Burns said “With the backing from my doctors, there is no doubt in my mind the salon caused the stroke.”
“This hasn’t just left me isolated from society- I’ve been isolated from my own body.” She added that she now struggles to speak, read and write and has had to sell the family home.
Mrs Burns’ lawyers allege that the situation could have been avoided if Mrs Burns had had a strand test done, been offered a front facing sink or been provided with neck protection.
It is believed that this is the first case of its type within Scottish Courts.