Pre Nuptial and Post Nuptial Agreements

Financial issues will always arise on the breakdown of a marriage or civil partnership which is why we advise on pre-nuptial agreements to protect the assets you owned prior to your marriage or civil partnership or your own business in case of divorce or dissolution from your partner. It might seem unromantic but considering that today 1 in 3 marriages end up in divorce for a variety of reasons, taking reasonable steps to protect your assets is a sensible precaution.

We can also help you create a post-nuptial agreement, which is signed by the couple when they are already married or in a civil partnership, even where you are not contemplating divorce or separation. Like a pre-nuptial agreement, this can clarify which assets do not fall under the umbrella of matrimonial property, such as inherited wealth, a family business or property owned prior to the marriage. We can give you the guidance you need on these matters and help you with your pre- and post-nuptial agreements, if you think you need them.

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