I am pleased to announce that Mitchells Roberton are proud sponsors, along with the Culture & Business Fund Scotland, of The Project Ability Gallery in Trongate Glasgow.

A few years ago I was introduced to the Project by a friend and have been interested in the charity ever since. I and several of my colleagues have been regular attendees at exhibitions and some fund raising activities including a quiz night.

A few months ago I suggested that we sponsor the project for one year and I was delighted that the Partners agreed to this and made a very generous offer to help support the gallery and their exhibitions programme.

Through our offer of sponsorship, Project Ability were able to apply to the Culture & Business Fund Scotland which works by matching the sponsorship money offered by a business with the intention of integrating business with the arts.  I am pleased to say that the project was awarded matching sponsorship funding.

Here at Mitchells Roberton we are looking forward to being involved in the coming year. The first exhibition to be sponsored by us and the Culture & Business Fund Scotland will be Project Ability’s Christmas fundraising exhibition.

Find out more about Project Ability by visiting their website – http://www.project-ability.co.uk/