May 10, 2022 | Bullet Point Update
The case of Rafique v Morgan, decided in March this year by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland (“the Upper Tribunal”), reinforces the fact that care is needed when a landlord wants to get back a residential property which has been let privately. In Rafique v...
May 16, 2016 | Bullet Point Update
The Private Housing (Tenancies)(Scotland) Act 2016 (“the 2016 Act”) received Royal Assent this month. Not much of it is yet in force. But it makes sweeping changes to the law concerning private residential tenancies in Scotland. So this Note outlines some of the key...
Aug 15, 2012 | Bullet Point Update
Usually residential tenancies work well. But sometimes they don’t. When they don’t the landlord may end up seeking to remove (in this Note “evict”) the tenant from the property. That involves a number of hoops which must be jumped through; and jumped through in the...