Sep 11, 2021 | Bullet Point Update
Believe it or not there is something called the Office of Tax Simplification (“the OTS”). It was set up in 2010 and no doubt they try their best but one might think they have not made much headway so far. One does not know what Orlov the meerkat of “simples” fame...
Jul 5, 2020 | Bullet Point Update
Introduction One of the effects of Covid-19 is that for some the value of their investments has gone down. Compared with the devastation Covid-19 has wrought for many that concern may not seem significant. One might see it as a “nice problem to have”. It can...
Jul 23, 2019 | Bullet Point Update
The Office of Tax Simplification There is (believe it or not) something called the Office of Tax Simplification (“the OTS”). It was set up as a temporary body in July 2010 and it was put it on a permanent, statutory footing by the Finance Act 2016. As its name...