Today there are many apps and websites in existence to help homebuyers find their dream home but many people still find that the more ‘traditional’ methods are the best.

Which? questioned 2000 purchasers about how they found their property . 55% said they found it through a ‘traditional’ method like an estate agent, their local paper or an auction with 45% saying that they  found their property online or through an electronic alert such as a notification from an app.

Looking at the findings in more detail, they showed that:

  • 22% of first-time buyers found their new home through an estate agent
  • 10% found their property after seeing a For Sale sign outside
  • 9% found their property by word of mouth
  • 6% found their property in their local newspaper
  • 3% found their property by approaching the owner directly or by leafleting the area
  • 1% bought their property at a property auction.

“Despite the rise in online property portals, it seems many of us are still traditionalists when it comes to finding a property” said David Blake principal adviser at Which? Mortgage Advisers.

If you are looking to buy a new home and would like to talk to a property expert then please contact Alison Gourley on 0141 552 3422 or by email

Also please note that we are members of GSPC and have an estate agency service within the firm. If we can help in the selling of your home please contact Bridie Gillan on 0141 552 3422 or by email